Coach Mentoring Overview
ICF Defines Mentor Coaching As
providing professional assistance in achieving and demonstrating the levels of coaching competency demanded by the desired credential level sought by a coach‐applicant.
Coach Mentoring
Intellect Coaching School
Intellect Coaching School offers Coach Mentoring for Certified ICF Coaches who are on their way to Associate Certified Coach (ACC) accreditation from the International Coach Federation
Having graduated coaches from over 47 nationalities and countless mentee’s from both independent and organizational backgrounds. We have found that Coach mentoring is far more valuable following real life practice.
Intellect Coaching School requires 30 practice hours to benefit from shared experience after putting the tools and skills learned in the program increasing the mentor coaching benefits substantially.
This 10-hour online program prepares participants to take Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) to gain their ACC level qualification with the ICF